
“Working with Nancy helped me overcome habitual negativity and become a person I love being.” – S.S.,  Santa Cruz, California

"My coaching experience with Nancy was amazing! Together we looked at a lifelong issue of mine. Her warm and heartful presence made me feel safe enough to explore many facets and try new things. Her commitment to me was sincere and gave me courage. I now feel confident and grounded, with a clear plan to action. Thank you!" – K.R. , Sedona, Arizona 

"Nancy offered a very safe space in which to explore my self-limiting thoughts and behaviors.  Her guidance was never invasive, was always supportive and intuitive.  Her faith in my ability to learn and grow became a springboard to my self-discovery." – Wendy B., California

"Having spent my formative years in New York, I generally gravitate to people who are loud and forward like me, as there is an unspoken shared history amongst New Yorkers. This does not describe Nancy at all!  Nancy is kind, compassionate and very insightful. Through her gentle (but firm!) approach, and her very intuitive questions, Nancy has given me a deeper perspective on my gifts and my range. Nancy is true champion of her clients,and a absolutely lovely soul.”  – Annie W.,  Sudbury, Mass

"I  appreciate having Nancy as part of my support team! She has an incredibly positive attitude and asks very insightful questions that help me to focus and zero in on what I want/need to explore.  It has been wonderful to coach with her regarding my diabetes." –K.H., Colorado

"My life coaching sessions with Nancy have been my most beneficial personal growth experience, beyond anything I hoped for!  Nancy is gentle, insightful, honest, and practical. She will always be my go-to resource and support for issues and questions that come up in my life." – K.D., Boulder, Colorado 

"Nancy is a gentle soul and so full of compassion. She modeled to me the kind of coach I want to be. I 'know and feel' just how right this new phase in my life is. She truly is a gift in my life." – Kate J., Calgary, Alberta, Canada

"Nancy is an extraordinary coach. She is wise, kind and uniquely skilled as a coach. Working with Nancy helped me see parts of myself that years of therapy and work with other coaches had not. Not only did she help me see my own behavior, she worked with me to gain greater perspective, compassion and gumption to tackle my challenges."  – Sarah G., San Diego, California